Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017. Our 48th Wedding Anniversary

Doug and I met at Northern Illinois University in 1968. We were in the same philosophy class. He thought I was a real free spirit because I didn't shave my legs and I thought he was nice and intelligent, but a bit too short! 
June 6, 1969 
No one really thought we were the right match for one another. However, our parents knew we really did want to marry so they acquiesced and we set a date. Now it has been 48 years, six children and 14 grandchildren with number 15 almost here!

 We have lived a very full life.
The first years we bought 40 acres in Arkansas for $500 and tried our hand at living off the land!
Milk goats, cats, a garden, a German Shepherd dog and a vw bus. 

We had lots of fun and Doug did learn the masonry trade so that he could have his own business. Our first sons were born in Arkansas!
Then our daughter, Lena was born in Missouri where we lived for a number of years. In 1980 after another son was born our country was facing a hard recession. It was at this time that we decided to return to Illinois where there would be work. We sold our beautiful home and packed everything up and off to the Chicago suburbs we went.  
 Mom and dad made it to their 68th anniversary.  Don't know if we will make their record. We would have another 20 years to go. Doug has had some health issues with his heart and diabetes, but we are trusting the Lord to see what He has for us.

 There is no other place I'd like to live than here in Michigan. Every day has a beauty of its own and I am very content. My life has been full and happy. God has been so good to me and to our family.
Some days I wish the children lived close by so that we could be involved in their lives more, but right now we don't have that choice. I guess that is why older people talk about having their memories. I still love to watch the clouds and dream. I may even get the hammock out and spend some quality time doing just that this summer!

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