Friday, April 28, 2017

An enjoyable week in Illinois

 Nat and Christy will be moving from the Taylor Ave. house in a few weeks. They have been there for 17 years. They need a larger house now as George is 12 and Henry is nearly 10. The house holds many happy memories and will be missed.

 We were able to go to a baseball game of Henry's. He is a natural and loves the sport. George plays Rugby and we watched a game of his, too. 
Pippin, their cat, is getting old now. She is 14 and was not feeling well while we were there. 

On Monday Lena and I took the boys to the arboretum in Lisle, Illinois.

 We had a great time at the Morton Arboretum.        
It was hot and the trees were all in bloom.   

EZRA                                                                        SAMMY AND BENJI

Monday, April 17, 2017

A Mild Winter

 This was a very mild winter for us in Northern Lower Michigan. We usually get much more snow and storms, but this year we were able to enjoy many a walk on the beach with Scout as the snow actually melted off three times.

A Change

 Anna, Seth and Adeline moved to Waco, Texas last June.
We miss them, but Seth is there to go to college.

 Ady is getting so big now. She is 21/2 and a new baby brother is due in late June!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Sunday 2017

Well,  I thought I was through with this blog, but I think I will start up again. In a way we will always be travelling with Alzheimer's Disease. Every week I meet some one who has a loved one diagnosed with AD. People who are caring for their mother, father or even their spouse. So, I will begin on Easter Sunday, 2017.

I was gloriously saved on Easter Sunday in 1980. We had 4 children and Doug had gotten saved in January and we had all been going to church together. That Sunday the pastor held the altar call for what seemed like an endless amount of time. He was saying that there was someone who needed to be saved. I knew it was me. I was in such a state of anxiety I thought the whole place could hear my heart beating. I fought the Holy Spirit and fought and finally we were dismissed. I told Doug that I really had to get home fast as I was sick. I fairly flew out of the car, once home, and into the bathroom where I locked the door and fell to my knees. I didn't know what to pray I just poured out my heart to God and asked Him to forgive me and to save me. Which He did. There really is a heavy burden of sin that we carry that we don't even realize is there. When I prayed that burden literally fell off and I was set free. He gave me peace that only He can give. I have never looked back. Every day I thank God for all He has done for me and for my family. I will always be amazed and so very thankful.

My peace I give unto you