Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A Spring Visit

Lena came up for a long weekend with the boys...Samuel, Ezra and Benjamin

The day they arrived it was really hot.
 So we got some play time in and then headed over to Portage Point to climb Angel Slide.

 The boys wanted to climb up a few times and then the fun is running 
 as fast
 as you 
Which is fun when you are a little guy, however,
 I chose to stay at the bottom of the sand hill and take some photos!

 Then over to Lake Michigan, which was still around 40* so we only got our feet wet!

 The next day turned rainy and cold. 
So, out came the sweatshirts and over to the park and then to Pierport to play in the sand.

The boys wanted cherry hamburgers for lunch.
 That meant going over to The Cherry Hut in Beulah! 

The boys took over the guest bedroom which is rather girlish.
 Ha ha. 
Not when any of the grandsons visit.


Julia Rose

 May 6th 2018 

John is a proud father to Julia Rose and we are now on number 16 grandchild!
10 boys and 6 girls
Doug and I are truly blessed. 

Andrew is excited to have a little sister! 

 Sarah had to have another Cesarean delivery, but all went well.