I have been sorting through old papers and photographs of mine, mom and dad's and my grandparents. I have one letter that my grandmother, LouElla, had written to an Aunt Merry in 1902!
This is a letter I wrote to myself March 28th 1993 about the birth of our daughter, Anna.
A most wonderful thing God hath done in our lives. A baby, Anna Joy, born on Christmas Day 1992! After I lost Merry in August I was sad and wondered what God had for us. We continued to trust and by April I was again carrying a little girl. We were very careful-I ate well, took my vitamins and didn't travel in the car much. My weight and blood pressure stayed good the entire pregnancy.
Christmas was on a Friday and the Tuesday before it Doug and I went to the hospital in the middle of the night-I thought I was in labour. I was not and was sent home. My doctor was leaving on vacation the day after Christmas-but God knew all of this and had everything in His control. By His grace we were able to do everything-we decorated the house, baked cookies, made fruitcake, shopped, wrapped all the gifts and had a nice turkey dinner all ready. Christmas morning I thought, " Today will be the day"! We had our time of presents (Nat and Christy were with us). then we had a good breakfast- a rest followed and then supper at 5. Kristin joined us for supper, I did not eat because I thought I might deliver soon. Doug read aloud the story of the Missionary Barrel.
I started serious contractions at about 6p.m.- said "goodbye" to everyone and Doug and I left for the hospital about 7. The nurse examined me about 7:45. 3 centimeters dilated (not much, I thought). There was bleeding and that worried me. Contractions were average-checked again at 8:30-8 centimeters. Doctor summoned( he was attending a party just a mile or so away)-room readied.
They told me to push, but I had no urge to push-Suddenly everything seemed critical. I heard Dr.Waran say, "I don't like the way the heartbeat looks on the monitor". The nurse then leaned on my upper abdomen and cried, "PUSH"
God truly intervened for I never thought I could push. All at once there she was-not crying though. she had swallowed blood-soon got her going but she was in the isolet and I couldn't see her for 2 hours.Then she was brought to me all warm and beautiful-Anna Joy-born on Christmas Day, 1992. 9:10p.m.
Doug stayed all night. He had the children come over to the hospital about 10:30. Nat and Christy were there too. So wonderful. I wonder what I looked like.
The next morning, Saturday, Dr. Waran came in and told me that 10 more minutes and we would have had a dead baby! The placenta had separated too early-it came with the baby.
Thank you Lord for your mercy.
Now Anna is at Bible college studying music education.
She has been a great blessing to us all these 19 years.
Love you, Anna Joy.
Alex, Lena, Joe, Christy, Nat, me, Anna and Doug
Anna is certainly special as all of our children are.Each was planned, looked forward to and cherished. I remember how God used my love for our children to draw me unto Himself. Children ask a multitude of questions and unless you know the Lord who changes not you cannot give your children answers that change not. The day God saved a sinner like me was a joyful day for only then was I able to help our children build their life's on the solid foundation of God's Holy Word.