Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today we all went to church at Bible Believers Baptist Church in Mesick. Mom has not been wanting to shower and I still could not get her to bathe today, but she said she had washed her face!!!!!
They have visited with the pastor, Ben Townsend, a number of times and they like him.
However, when it was noon and he was on his 3rd point and we knew he had said that he had 5 points to cover Mom began to get quite loud about her opinion that it should be over. I had to slip her a note saying that it was better than sitting in the living room doing nothing-she looked at me and nodded her agreement.
We always have a Sunday dinner potluck at church and we wanted to stay-Mom and Dad went and sat in the car but Doug was able to convince them to come in and eat. Mom loved the desserts and the fellowship. We left Anna at church to visit with her friends and we headed home.
Dad had to stop at the gas station to use the restroom and while there he bought 4 doughnuts and a 24 oz. can of Bud light. Since Doug and I do not drink they have not had much in the way of beer lately. As soon as he was in the car they popped open the Bud and brought out the doughnuts!!!! Remember they had just had a huge meal and a lot of dessert. "Oh, this tastes soooo good-would you like a sip, Doug?" It was gone by the time we got home 15 minutes later-
A nice day for them-a good message at church-and hopefully a restful afternoon for the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. that is hilarious mom!! oh well - must be nice to not have to worry about what you eat anymore
