The Christmas Party at Sutter Living Center was so very nice. We all sang carols along with the guitar player...then we had a festive dinner with all the trimmings..this was dad's 5th Christmas Party at SLC. It is very hard to believe that he has been there so long. It has been nearly a year since mom died. Dad is doing just fine these days thanks to the excellent care he receives at SLC..
Nat brought his family and Zach to Crystal Mountain Ski Resort -- just minutes from where we live. The boys wanted to learn to snowboard--they spent three days on the slopes and ended up doing very well...
George and Zach
The three amigos--George, Henry and Zach
After a long, cold day!
Henry decided he wanted to try skiing so Nat gave him some lessons.
the best part---lots to eat
We had such a great time with the boys and Nat and Christy. Crystal Mountain is a wonderful family resort--and so close to home!!
We put our tree in a new place in the living room this year as I have brought my Hoosier cabinet up from the basement-I had room since Anna's piano went with her when she married. I have missed having the cabinet in the living area. We got the Hoosier when we lived in Wheaton, Illinois. It has made many moves with us--now it is all cleaned up once again and ready to be used.
Tacy loves the snow and the cold--she spends hours everyday outside
this is our front yard
"For God so loved the World (that is everyone no matter what we have done or where we have come from) that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world (that's for you) to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:16,17 Be saved today!
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