Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September in Michigan

Posted by PicasaDad has always loved the beach and the other day when we were out driving he asked me to pull over.
When I found a good place to "look" at the water, he jumped out and headed down the beach.
Anna quickly went with him to help him down the rocky dune.
Just a boy again.
I wonder what he was thinking as he stood upon the shore with the wind in his face and sand in his shoes.
I wish we could go back in time to a day when we would all go home and love and laugh and talk about old sailing trips and races.
Well, I love you Dad.


  1. What a bittersweet post. I smile looking at your dad look at the water, wondering what he was thinking. Yet I feel your pain at not being able to go back home and talk about old sailing trips and races, etc.

    My prayers are with you as you love your dad so well,

  2. It's amazing that no matter how much disease may ravage our brains and bodies, we still have the capability to find appreciation for the simple, beautiful things in life. It reminds us to enjoy each day. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and posting Aunt Sue.
