Friday, October 25, 2013

The Last hot dog cookout

 Well, Sutter Living Center was having a victory
party for the Detroit Tigers on Wednesday...
Unfortunately, they were the only ones!!!!
Cynthia grilled hot dogs and put a lunch together
in boxes with the Detroit Tigers logo on them
filled with potato chips, root beer and a cookie--
along with the hot dog, of course. Some of the
ladies were even inspired to sing, "Take me
Out to the Ball Game!" But without Harry Cary
and the Chicago Cubs it wasn't much of a rousing rendition!
 See the lady at the table to dad's right with the napkin up to her mouth? That is Sandy and Dad often mistakes her for Mom these days.

 See how enthusiastic dad looks? Remember, he just LOVES baseball!!!!!  Ha Ha

 SLC is ready for fall and Halloween

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Color Tour

 Doug, Seth, Anna and I took a color tour up North to Northport, Grand Traverse Lighthouse Museum and Christmas Cove Apple Farm. We stopped for lunch at Boone Docks where mom and I have shared many a lunch. Mom loved the stack of onion rings that they serve and we would always order them and eat it all!!!

The Grand Traverse Lighthouse has been a fall excursion for our family since we moved to Michigan in 1998..We would often take our sweet granddaughter, Rebecca with us ..It was a special time for all of us.

Anna, Rebecca and me

Each year we would get a picture at our favorite tree--this year was no exception!

 Christmas Cove Farm 
They have an awesome pop bottle collection and grow many varieties of antique apples- my favorite is the Ginger Gold.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall in Michigan

 On their way back to Denver 
Bill, Kathy and Kaelin stopped to visit with dad at Sutter Living Center...

Dad is doing lots better these days as his meds have once again been reduced and he seems more talkative and content.

It is fall in Michigan
 The cottage -- our beloved Wigwam

 Red Park on Portage Lake

 A diehard sailor out on October 19th

 The docks are in and we now await our long winter!

As the vine has grown around this tree outside our cottage and become one with it, my heart has become entwined with the beauty of Michigan and more than ever I love this-- my earthly home.
But there is a stronger love:
the expectation of my heavenly home 
  where I will see my beloved Saviour face to face and be with Him forevermore. 
"I have been feeling kind of restless 
I've been feeling out of place
I can hear a distant singing.
Going Home
I'll meet you at the table
Going Home
 I'll meet you in the air.
you are never too young to think about it, and
                       I CAN NOT WAIT TO BE HOME!"  (Sara Groves)

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Girard

Anna has been thinking about her wedding since she was about 7 years old---I hope it was all you ever dreamed of, Anna.

                                                    Lena and Anna                      
A proud father who delighted in giving his youngest a beautiful wedding

Nathanael and me --- see Joe in the background looking into the auditorium

Our children all had a great time staying at the motel in Frankfort

 Our grandson, Henry as the ringbearer and Faith Boonstra was the lovely flower girl

 Lena and Kaelin Probeck who came all the way from Denver with her dad (my brother Bill) and mom to help with the photography.

Pastor Townsend, his wife, Debbie and their grandchildren
Anna and Tasha

 Anna and Seth spent a night at the Wigwam and as tradition dictates carved their names and wedding date into a stone on the fireplace!